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Jul 6, 2023
nissan brake repair in santa clara, ca

When out on the open road in your Nissan, you should feel a sense of assurance born from the vehicle’s reliability and performance. To maintain this confidence, it’s essential to understand when your vehicle’s brakes might need servicing. Here’s a guide to help you interpret the signs your Nissan dealer might need to give your Nissan a brake repair.

Unbalanced Drive

If you notice your Nissan pulling to one side when you brake, this can be due to uneven brake pad wear, where one pad wears down faster than the other, causing an imbalance in the braking force. It could also be a sign of brake fluid leakage. If brake fluid leaks from one part of the system, the brake on that side might not apply as strongly as the others, causing the car to pull.

Squealing Brakes

Brake pads are fitted with a small metal device known as a wear indicator. As the brake pads wear down, the indicator gets closer to the rotor and eventually makes contact, producing a high-pitched squealing noise. This sound is your vehicle’s way of telling you that the brake pads are nearing the end of their life span and need to be replaced.

Soft Pedal

If the brake pedal feels soft or spongy when you press it, it might suggest there’s air or moisture in the brake line. This can reduce the hydraulic pressure in your braking system, making the brakes feel less responsive. Conversely, if the brake pedal is hard and resists pressure, it might indicate a blockage in the brake line or an issue with the brake booster, reducing the amount of power assist to your braking system.

Disturbing Grind

This disturbing sound often means that the brake pads are completely worn down, leading to the metal caliper and the metal rotor rubbing against each other. This metal-on-metal contact can cause damage to your rotors, leading to much more expensive repairs if not addressed promptly.

Warning Light

Lastly, the most direct sign that your brakes need attention is the brake warning light on your dashboard. If this light comes on, it means the car’s computer has detected a problem with the braking system, and it’s time to schedule a service. At Stevens Creek Nissan, we are committed to providing quality service to ensure your Nissan stays in peak condition. Regular brake checks are a crucial part of vehicle maintenance and can prevent minor issues from becoming major problems. Schedule your brake service with Stevens Creek Nissan today and keep your ride safe and reliable on the road.